Thursday, January 21, 2016

Rajin vs Responsibility

One night when i was drinking coffee and eating some meal (hei i'm not in diet okey) suddenly my husband asked a question ""Yang, abang ni rajin kan?" I just became blurrrr.... "err ya rajin kot.. " dunno what i must answered that question. Why he asked that question??

"Hahaha, hari tu kat kampung kak Ti bagitau - hang ni rajin Dan (panggilan husband di kampung). Tolong basuh baju, sidai baju, bagi anak makan. Untung bini hang..." Oo that the story.. "Napa husband diorang tak rajin ker... " haha maybe their husband not really like doing the homework....

YES! How lucky i am... I never, never realized that my husband is hardworking man.. maybe from my childhood, I always saw my father (yes, he is a man) done all the homework. He washed, cooked and feed us.

Kami disuap makan oleh ayah jika emak kepenatan kerja syif malam. Kadang2 ayah masak masakan ala koboi (bunyi berdentang denting kat dapur) janji perut kami adik beradik terisi.. baju sekolah kami, baju uniform emak dan dia akan digosok kemas, teliti. Rumah sentiasa kemas dan bersih, ayah yang rajin tolong emak kemaskan. So that environment was not weird for me.

My awesome father. Thank dad, to be my dad.. 

But it makes me felt weird when my collegues came to my house and they were shocked to see my father have done all the homework .
"Rajinnyer bapak ko, Hasny".
"Bapak ko lipat kain Hasny?"
"Bapak aku kalau angkat kain mau runtuh langit dibuatnya...!"

So what? It didn't makes any sense to me T_T  Rupa2 nyer ada sesetengah keluarga bukan jadi kebiasaan orang lelaki buat kerja rumah, semua dipikul sepenuhnya oleh kaum ibu..

Bagi aku itu bukan namanya rajin. Rajin ni ikut mood.  Itulah namanya bertanggungjawab -responsbility. It is not a job you can choose, ooo this homework only for ladies...  we are a man just doing a tough work jer lah...

So i am very proud to have these man in my life -my father and my husband . Both of them are really responsible man. Only Allah mày blessed them and giving them a good healthy and happiness. Alhamdulilah.

To my husband-you are always to be our hero!!

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